By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog
It is generally a good idea to avoid ascribing nefarious intent to actions explained by mere stupidity. But this is a case where mere stupidity cannot possibly explain the long, steady procession of foreign policy errors spanning three decades, all of them specifically aimed at strengthening Russia. It is not possible to argue that a surplus of hubris, ignorance, greed and political opportunism and a deficit of competent foreign policy analysts can produce such a result, for that would be essentially the same as arguing that some monkeys armed with drills, mills and lathes can produce a Swiss watch. But the only alternative would be to claim that there is a network of Kremlin’s agents ensconced deep within the bowels of the American Deep State and that they are all working in concert to advance Russia’s interests while meticulously maintaining plausible deniability all the while and at all levels of the operation.
Ostensibly, the plan was to weaken and destroy Russia; but then, following the Soviet collapse, Russia was weakening and destroying itself very well all by itself, no intervention needed. What’s more, every US effort to weaken and destroy Russia has made it stronger; had there existed even a most rudimentary feedback mechanism, so vast a discrepancy between policy goals and policy results would have been detected and adjustments would have been made. Superficially, this may be explained by the nature of America’s sham-democracy, where each administration can blame its failures on mistakes made by the previous administration, but the Deep State remains in power throughout, and it would simply be forced to admit to itself that there is a problem with the plan to weaken and destroy Russia after a few cycles of this unfolding fiasco. The fact that it hasn’t detected any such problem brings us full circle, back to the suspicion that there are Putin’s agents toiling tirelessly deep within the Deep State.
But that’s pure conspiracy theory and we shouldn’t want to go anywhere near that. Suffice to say, there is at present no adequate explanation for what happened. After the Soviet collapse, very little was needed to speed along the collapse of Russia itself. But none of these steps have been taken, and the steps that were taken (with the ostensible goal of weakening and destroying Russia) have done the exact opposite. Why? Below are listed 10 of the most successful initiatives of what appear to be a US Deep State MRGA campaign. If you have an alternative explanation, I’d like to hear it.
1. If Russia were immediately accepted into the World Trade Organization (which it wanted to join) it would have been swamped with cheap imports, destroying all of Russian industry and agriculture. Russia would simply sell oil, gas, timber, diamonds and its other resources and buy whatever is needed. Instead, the US and other WTO members spent 18 years negotiating Russia’s entry into the organization. By the time it joined, in 2006, very little time remained before the financial collapse of 2008, after which time the WTO hasn’t been too much of a factor.
2. If Russia were immediately granted visa-free travel to the West (as it wanted) most working-age Russians would have readily diffused out of Russia, leaving behind a population of orphans and the elderly, much as has happened with contemporary Ukraine. After losing much of its productive population, Russia would not have posed any sort of economic or military threat. Instead, Russia was never granted visa-free travel and instead faced restrictions that have only increased over time. By now most Russians have internalized the idea that they are simply not wanted in the West and that they should seek their fortune back home.
3. After the Soviet collapse, Russia itself collapsed into a loose mosaic of regional centers. Many of them (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Urals Republic, Chechnya) entertained notions of secession. Left untouched, Russia would have devolved into a loose confederation with no ability to formulate joint foreign policy. Instead, resources and mercenaries were pumped into Chechnya, turning it into an existential threat to Moscow’s authority and forcing it to become militarily assertive. The fact that Chechen volunteers are now fighting on the Russian side in the Ukraine underscores the failure of America’s Chechnya policy.
4. If, following the Soviet collapse, NATO simply recognized that the threat it was intended to counter no longer existed and either dissolved or simply became quiescent, Russia would never have thought it necessary to rearm itself. Indeed, Russia was happily cutting up its ships and missiles for scrap metal. Instead, NATO saw it fit to bomb Yugoslavia (for a made-up humanitarian reason) and then to relentlessly expand eastward. These actions have communicated most adequately the message that it wasn’t the USSR, and Communism, that the West opposed but Russia itself. And while, by the time the 1990s rolled around, not too many Russians were eager to fight and die for the greater glory of communism, rising to the defense of Motherland is an entirely different story.
5. If Russia’s near-abroad were simply left alone, Russia would never have considered venturing outside of its already vast and underpopulated territory. But then came a provocation: acting with US sanction, Georgian forces attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Osettia during the Beijing Olympics of 2008, forcing Russia to react. The fact that Russia could demilitarize Georgia in just a few days was a major confidence boost and taught it that NATO and NATO-trained forces are soft and squishy and not much of a problem. Russian territory expanded to include South Ossetia, with Abkhazia thrown in as an added bonus, paving the way for further territorial expansion (Crimea, Donbass, Kherson… Nikolaev, Odessa…).
6. If the US left alone Syria, a close Russian ally for close to a century, Russia would not have expanded into the Mediterranean region. As it is, Syrian government invited Russia to help it turn the tide in its war against US-supported ISIS and Russia destroyed ISIS with the help of a rather small contingent of air-and-space forces at just one airbase. The action in Syria has showcased modern Russian weapons systems and has led to a 20-year backlog in weapons orders from around the world. What’s more, Russia’s allies around the world know that if the US/NATO, or their mercenaries, give them any trouble, all they have to do is whistle and Moscow will rush in with their precision bombs and neatly stack the corpses.
7. After the 2014 Kiev putsch and the re-accession of Crimea, US/Western sanctions were immensely helpful in helping jump-start a large-scale program of import replacement, rejuvenating both Russian industry and agriculture. Russia is now largely self-sufficient in food and a major food exporter. Its position as the world’s main breadbasket will be further improved by the addition of Eastern and Southern Ukrainian “black earth” regions of uniquely fertile land. The sanctions were accompanied by speculative attacks on the ruble which drove its value down from 30 to the dollar to 60 (where it stands today) making Russian products much more competitive internationally and stimulating foreign trade.
8. The endless hollow threats to block Russia from using the SWIFT interbank messaging system have prompted Russia to create its own payment system, which is now integrated with China’s. The arrest of the $300 billion Russian sovereign wealth fund that was held on deposit in Western banks, along with freezing the funds of Russian oligarchs, have taught Russians not to trust Western banks and to avoid keeping their money abroad. All of these hostile actions in the finance space have paved the way for a rather measured response that has instantly made the ruble the most valuable and stable currency on the planet, leaving the dollar and the euro vulnerable to hyperinflation.
9. The eight-year war waged by the Ukrainian army, with unquestioning US/NATO support, against the Russian civilian population in the Donbass, has produced a very specific understanding throughout Russia’s population: that the West wants to exterminate it. When the Ukrainians then declared that they want to build nuclear bombs, and when it was discovered that Pentagons bioweapons labs in the Ukraine were working on creating pathogens specifically targeting Russians, and when, finally, it became clear that it was not just the Ukrainians but all of NATO was behind it, that the Ukrainians-plus-NATO were poised to launch an all-out attack, Russia pre-empted it by launching its own Special Operation. Cynical as this may seem, the previous eight-year shelling of buildings full of old people, women and children, shown live on Russia’s nightly news but steadfastly ignored in the West, was instrumental in producing approval ratings for the Special Operation that has reached 76%, with similar ratings for Putin, his government and even many of the regional governments. Now that, Western arms shipments notwithstanding, the Ukrainian military is being whittled away at a rate that will finish it off in approximately 20 days (the calculated “Day Z”), Russia is poised to emerge as an outright victor in World War III which, just like the Cold War, which it had lost, was barely even fought. This will restore Russia’s military’s mystique of being perpetually victorious.
10. Finally, Russia should be grateful for the lavish funds provided over the years by the US and the collective West in support of free speech and freedom of the press in Russia, by which is meant pro-Western propaganda. First, it did help liberate Russia’s media space, to a point that now Russia is much more open to freedom of self-expression than any of the European countries or the US, with barely a hint of corporate censorship or cancel culture that are rampant in the West. Second, so ham-handed and overbearingly dumb was the Western propaganda onslaught that the Russians, after processing it for some years, now openly laugh at the pro-Western narrative, and opinion research agencies report Russian support for pro-Western policies only in trace amounts. The process was helped by the sheer ludicrousness of various developments in the West: cancel culture, MeToo, LGBT, child sex change operations, promotion of pedophilia and all the rest, which produced a wave of revulsion. This 180º reversal, from overwhelmingly pro-Western opinions of the early 1990s to the current situation, are a crowning achievement of the entire three-decade-long Deep State campaign to Make Russia Great Again (MRGA).
I do not wish to argue that the existence of MRGA within the US Deep State is demonstrably, provably true. But I urge you to follow Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous dictum that “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth” and let me know what you come up with.
this author who told us in January that Russia will start a lot of “secret” attacks to USA/Nato to weaken them / and he told us also, that US/Nato will not even mention these attacks to avoid the impressions that they are not strong enough to fight against Russia – but finally it’s the difference, USA/Nato helps to destroy Russian ships, sends thousands of weapons to kill Russian soldiers and Russia is afraid of doing anything again that.
Removed. Joe stop breaking site rules. Any further comments will go to trash. Mod.
Gosto muito dos artigos ” deste homem “. Aguardo e fico frustrado em não poder vê-los mais.
É muito difícil para qualquer pessoa com pelo menos dois neurônios funcionais acreditar que os ‘ magnificos ” planos do ocidente coletivo são isto que temos visto. Entregam torres, bispos, rainha, etc e a cada jogada relutantemente nos convencemos que tudo não passa de improvisações estúpidas e não há nenhum golpe de mestre no horizonte.
I really like the “this man” articles. I wait and get frustrated that I can’t see them anymore.
It is very difficult for anyone with at least two functioning neurons to believe that the ‘magnificent’ plans of the collective west are what we have seen. They deliver rooks, bishops, queen, etc. and with each move we reluctantly convince ourselves that it’s all just stupid improvisations and there is no masterstroke on the horizon.
El judeo-mesianismo ha estado difundiendo su venenoso mensaje entre nosotros durante casi dos mil años. Los universalismos democráticos y comunistas son algo reciente, pero solo han venido a reforzar la vieja narrativa. Son los mismos ideales.
Los ideales transnacionales, transraciales, transculturale que nos predican estas ideologías (más allá de los pueblos, razas, culturas) y que son el alimento cotidiano en nuestras escuelas, en nuestros medios de comunicación, en nuestras masas culturales, en nuestras universidades y en nuestras calles, han terminado por reducir a su mínima expresión nuestra identidad biosimbólica y nuestro orgullo étnico.
Google-translate from mod:
Judeo-Massianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for almost two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are something recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old narrative. They are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and that are everyday food in our schools, in our media, in our cultural masses, in our universities and in our streets, they have ended up reducing our biosimbolic identity and our ethnic pride to its minimum expression.
Os planos são isto que temos visto. E vou explicar porquê:
“It is not possible to argue that a surplus of hubris, ignorance, greed and political opportunism and a deficit of competent foreign policy analysts can produce such a result, for that would be essentially the same as arguing that some monkeys armed with drills, mills and lathes can produce a Swiss watch”
Yes it is possible. Because ignorance, greed, and political opportunism is the combinations the through all hunan history has made huge empires fall, and its enemies stronger and ready to counter-attack and replace that empire.
Everytime the collective West did something, it was “the best” option at the time, considering greed and political opportunism. What their also collective ignorance made them fail to see, was how those decisions, together and in the long run, were causing their own failure.
On the other side of the wall, Russia, China, BRICS, etc, were all learning with this, making their own moves, changing their views on the collective west’s “good intentions”. So, we can say the Swiss watch wasn’t build by the monkey, but by the human society that evolved parallel with their enemies, the collective monkeys.
Every time the monkeys threw a stone or their own feces, the human society developed a way to defend itself from the monkeys, then a way to be immune to the monkey’s attacks, and funally a way to defeat the monkeys.
Since long ago I sensed something changing in the world. It wasn’t possible to see so many ears/invasons and sanctions/famines being caused by the collective west, and at the same time so many countries willing to forever deal with that, to forever play by those “rules”, to forever let the weak be isolated and see one country destroyed/defeated at a time.
I sensed something eas changing, not becausr I sae thoses changes, but because I felt this “world order” was unfair, and through all humankind history, what is unfair, sooner or later is defeated. Now they invade this one, now they make a coup on that one, then they sanction another one, and everytime they threatened all the other ones: “you either obey us, or you’re next”.
Seeing this, I thought that one day, enough non-Western countries would be victims (of invasons, proxy wars, sanctions, coups) that more countries would be on the other side, than on the “world order” side.
And that is what’s happening nowadays. Most countries are against Western sanctions. We can even say 85% of world’s population is against the tirany of the 15% of the West.
Now is the period of change. The Empire of Lies is in its final years. That’s when it is more dangerous and aggressive.
I’m not a supporter of Russia’s regime, I don’t like China’s regime, but in terms of foreign relationships, those two (and more of their allies) gave a lesson to the Western World: we must respect each other’s differences, we must not mix economic trade deals with regime ideology, and we must negotiate with everyone, not threaten or impose our “unique” perspective.
I disagree with many things said by the author (like calling Hungary an example of “Free Europe”. But I understand the big picture of his point of view.
Sovereign countries must do what is best for their interests and cooperate with their neighbours in good will, instead of obeying to the interests of an imperialist power on the other side of the ocean.
Perhaps one day Europe will have a functional currency instead of Eurozone, a democracy instead of European Comission, a union of sovereign states instead of EU, and an actual defensive pact that ensures peace instead of NATO bases with USA threatening weapons and occupying armies. I hope that day comes sooner than later, and I hope Russia is still close enough so we can shake our hands.
I also hope a nee generation of Europeans grows away from the NeoColonialist habits, like having 4 covid19 doses of vaccine for each citizen, while poorer countries have none. No one sane and decent enough believes this is the same batch of “leaders” that now say they are very worried with the wheat distribution to avoid famine in Africa. The same mother f*ckers that created the CURRENT famine in Afghanistan!!
PS: oh Alexandre Marques, e como é que vai ser o teu Brasil daqui para a frente? O Bolsonaro (o escolhido dos Capital-Fascista, ou NeoLiberais, do Ocidente em geral e dos EUA em particular) vai fazer o golpe final e regressar à ditadura militar, ou o Lula vai ter a chance de fazer o Brasil decente outra vez?
(obviamente que por “decente” me refiro ao regime e à sua liderança, e não ao problema da corrupção generalizada, que me parece uma coisa de que o Brasil não se vai livrar durante as nossas vidas)
The BS is all yours, plus your English sucks. Take an ESL class.
don’t get me wrong.. I’m massively upset that it didn’t turn out as predicted and that’s why i have doubts about the capabilities of the russian army – the russians aren’t fighting back against the USA/NATO and are therefore showing weakness.. next the poles are coming across the border and the balts are kidding the russians for years.. and nothing happens from russian side ??
Joe thing is nobady knows for sure what the end plan of Russia is. My bet is that Russia wants and probably will keep the best of Ukraina ie the all East and the whole coastline. I dont think they want the rest. I am more and more convinced that the US is afraid to fight directly with Russia maybe that last experience in Afghanistan took its toll in the US self steen.
And how do you know it did not happen exactly like predicted ? Do you have access to intelligence data or just to public info like the rest of us ?
Since you mention language, I am greatly hampered because I do not read Russian. Is there a curriculum you recommend to an American English speaking man who doesn’t hear very well to learn Russian?
Thank you David, I have the same desire and hearing limitation.
Being a native English speaker in a country (US) where words no longer have persistent/consistent meaning, where the language used is often unintelligible, due more to corrupted vocabulary/conceptual skills than diction when spoken by so many today is very distressing. I’d be more comfortable and willing to ask a person to repeat themselves (for my sake) in Russian than I am with fellow Americans, where after hearing the statement repeated, leaves me more irritated when I realize I heard correctly the first time.
P.S. Dated, but as or more true today: you are either bi-lingual, poly-lingual or likely American.
Check mango language program at your local library. It is free and excellent way to start.
Start taking magnesium-chloride (about 1/10th of an ounce in a glass of water every day). It will help repair your hearing. NO KIDDING! Do research, it’s available on the web!
For the lingo: Try Pimsleur Russian basic to begin with. These 30 lessons of 21 minutes each gets you speaking Russian good enough to get around town and get things done. You may be able to find Pimsleur’s lessons on the web.
Yet he believes the BS that ukraine is winning.
Bro, you’re an esteemed writer who speaks the truth with clarity and wit. This piece in particular is exceptional and ironic. If this Joe guy questions something or has a contrary opinion to yours/ours then take a moment to school him. It should be beneath you to attack him for his writing inadequacies especially when English his likely second language.
To address your points (such as they are) one by one:
1. ‘[T]his author who told us in January that Russia will start a lot of “secret” attacks to USA/Nato to weaken them / and he told us also, that US/Nato will not even mention these attacks…’
Logically, if such attacks were secret, we would not know about them, would we? Especially if the US and NATO didn’t mention them – which they obviously wouldn’t (by definition) if they were secret. So you cannot say whether such attacks have been launched or not.
2. USA/Nato helps to destroy Russian ships… As far as I know, precisely one Russian ship has sunk – RKR “Moskva” – and nobody knows for certain what caused it to sink. There seems to have been an explosion, but might have been an accident, sabotage, or enemy action. I have not seen any theory that explains how “Moskva” could have been sunk by enemy action, so accident or sabotage seem likeliest.
3. [S]ends thousands of weapons to kill Russian soldiers and Russia is afraid of doing anything again that…
These two allegations can be dealt with together. NATO has sent many thousands of weapons and (literally) thousands of tons of ammunition with the intention of killing Russian soldiers. The Russians allowed it all to enter Ukraine and be collected in warehouses and ammo dumps – then it blew them up with one or two missiles. Cheap, quick, and economical. The touted US howitzers have accomplished nothing and have mostly been demolished by superior Russian weapons. Stingers, Javelins, Switchblades, drones… none of them have been effective and many of them are obsolete or expired, resulting in many failing to work or blowing up during training sessions. Western ATGMs have repeatedly failed to harm Russian tanks. Weapons like the Patriot and F-35 are carefully kept out of the war, for fear that the whole world would see how pathetically useless they are.
Russia is not “afraid” of those Western cast-offs, any more than a Kodiak bear is afraid of a sick dachshund.
Thanks Tom for taking the trouble to efficiently analyze the argumentation of the person at the top of the comments. You did us and Dmitry Orlov a favour.
vewry good answer ;-) and what’s about the following predictions?
Thus, we should expect bad things to happen to these installations, but we should expect to remain rather ill-informed about the details. While the non-negotiations over the Russian security guarantee demands will be as public as possible (in spite of Western plaintive cries asking that they be held in private) the “technical-military means” which Russia will use to deal with Western noncompliance will not be widely publicized. The Romanian installation might become inoperative due to a newly discovered small volcano nearby; the Polish one might succumb of a freak swamp gas explosion.
A further series of unfortunate accidents may cause the US and NATO to become shy and reticent about encroaching on Russia’s borders. NATO troops stationed in the Baltics, a stone’s throw from St. Petersburg, which is Russia’s second-largest city, might complain of repeatedly hearing the word “Thud!” clearly and loudly annunciated, causing them all to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and evacuated. A US spy plane might experience a slight GPS malfunction causing it to blunder into Russian airspace, get shot down, and have its catapulted pilot sentenced to many years of teaching English to kindergarteners in Syktyvkar or Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. US Navy and NATO vessels, already prone to collisions with each other, underwater mountains and barges, might suffer an unusually large number of such mishaps in proximity to the Russian coastline, causing them to shy away from it.A large number of such events, most out of them transpiring out of sight of the public, news of them suppressed in Western press and social media, would force the mighty US military to confront an uncomfortable existential question.
“2. USA/Nato helps to destroy Russian ships… As far as I know, precisely one Russian ship has sunk – RKR “Moskva” – and nobody knows for certain what caused it to sink. There seems to have been an explosion, but might have been an accident, sabotage, or enemy action. I have not seen any theory that explains how “Moskva” could have been sunk by enemy action, so accident or sabotage seem likeliest.”
My theory is that a laser-guided iron bomb from a P-8 or a P-3 transiting to or from the daily surveillance tracks flown over Moldova and Poland is what did in the Modkva. The only defense is motion and the Moskva was on picket duty, an easy target for plain bombing. Also, the Kremlin has not breathed a word about what happened and they know full well because the captain and most of the crew were recovered and they almost managed to tow the Modkva to Sevastopol.
If so, I believe it is high time the USN was introduced to the Su-35 and end the pretense that NATO (USN) reporting of Russian positions is not directly participating in the military action and more deadly to the Russian soldiers than US mercenaries or troops on the ground would be. There is no way the AFU could have known about the Russian pontoon bridge and crossing operation except by the real-time US surveillance and data transmission to AFU field artillery.
Speaking of which, exactly why does any AFU artillery still exist?
I don’t know which way you are coming from but it matters not . Many in the West, as your MSM tells you that the Russia is stalled. You have no concept of the time Russia is taking to separate the scum from the good people.
You have absolutely no idea how Great the task is to provide food, housing and other necessities that are needed for these refugees.
Instead, you have watched your ‘shock and awe’ against so many countries, with only embedded journalists to tell you how strong you are. Never once did anyone ever asked about the complete destruction and what happened to civilians. You and likewise, just like your racist puppet governments have exposed yourselves.
The sanctions which was the trump card is most clearly not working. Your dream conqueror Stated many times that ” we will not go to war with Russia”, but people like you see a hidden plan. No, you and the Zionists that are your masters will be beaten into dust.
There are many reasons why USA keeps calling Russia and not the other way around. Also going around the world, trying to bully, bribe,intimidate countries to join your racist group. Do you see Russia or China doing that?
Everyday, Russia keeps degrading your Nazis, for I follow all news. This summer you will find out just how much pain your masters have brought upon you. Don’t blame demented Biden for it could have been Trump, Hilliary, Obama and all the rest. Servants!
As for the fact that Russia would take steps to engage against Nato countries in a secret way…
I have no proof but there are suspicious devellopments:
First there’s the Case of Mali wich France uses as an Uranium reservoir that recently against all ods booted the French out…
Then there’s the fact that some weeks ago the US decided to Redeploy in Somalia, and knowing that the Russians allways had Cordial Relationship with Erythrea, and its new ally Ethiopia… That can makes us Think!!
Also the Recently Signed peace treaty between Azerbaïdjan and Armenia was done under the lead,and will of the Azeris wich is particularly Surprizing ot say the least…
‘… booted the French out’
If I understood correctly, Wagner gave a helping hand to the French to properly find the exit.
I plan to hand out Dmitry’s MRGA article at US. Congresscritter Dusty Johnson’s (R-SD) next public meeting. He and I have already gone a round over his vote for $40 billion in borrowed $$s or fiat $$s to waste in and on Ukraine.
I wish you wouldn’t do that. I try not to encourage such people to read my stuff. Nothing useful depends on them but they can make plenty of mischief for my friends (I am a bit hard to get at).
But Russia has done a lot to weaken the US and NATO, albeit more overtly, and has managed to have the US and NATO do it to themselves. And I’m sure that by now Russia has also taken out many CIA and MI6 goons in those mercenary centers in Odessa and elsewhere. Are you not paying attention? Just because it is not announced doesn’t mean it is not going on.
of course i’m paying attention, but there isn’t enough news about it.. and unfortunately there hasn’t been a major action announced by orlov anywhere, like e.g. Attacks on the missile positions in Poland or Romania or the sinking of American ships, etc.. My message was all about that, in my opinion, he simply announced too much here..
LOL and this so true and that’s a good thing. Then at the same time my Amerika is now picking up speed to the bottom, hang on every one it’s going to get even more bumpy on the way down.:-(
8. Absolutely. The endless threats to cut Russia off from Swift have totally defeated their purpose.
7. Not sure anyone wants Ukrainian land. Both Russia and Europe want Ukrainian people aged 12-50.
and no one wants the health care responsibilities.
Ukraine has a lot of very good agricultural land. It looks like the time is coming when that is worth its weight in gold.
How true it is. All these provocations have caused the Russians to go operational. It’s not just psychology — the Russians have been provoked. They have responded effectively.
when font is too light
Yes! I see that light grey or ghostly off-white font all over the place, even here. The only black type is what I am typing right now. How can that be fixed? I set the font in my browsers (Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave, Opera) but I cannot make the type on the web page black.
It seems the site or the transport controls the display.
The secret plan for Russia was to rape,pillage, and plunder Russia-The Jeffrey Sach’s Plan. And this also happens to be the Bill and Hillary Clinton Plan. And it almost worked were it not for Vladimir Putin.
But let us be very clear and very honest about the following:The Slavic Russians were the target,
and as a consequence, the Slavic Russians experienced a Genocidal population collapse during the Clinton Era.
The Democratic Party is back in power. And you should have no doubt this:The Democratic Party=The Black Lives Matter Party…just ask them. And the Genocide of the Slavic Russian Population Game Play is back in play.
We are back to the old party thing again, I wonder when people will wake up to the fact that both parties have the same old playbook. Tom Cotton was on this morning, you know the one who is trying to be the second John McCain who never saw a war he didn’t like for we always have to have an enemy otherwise the MIC is out of business and so are those millions they pump back into the political campaigns, but they never bother to think of that.
Well said Bluedog
This has nothing to do with parties they all voted for the 40 billion just this week. It has to do with Lockheed Boeing, Raytheon,chevron, Chase, B of A, Amazon, soros BlackRock, Gates and a few others. Both parties play their roll which by the way involves hating each other so we don’t pay attention. Regan went after Iran Central and South America, Bush Iran Iraq Africa Somalia, central and South America: Clinton Yugoslavia Haiti: Bush jr Iraq, Afghanistan,Somalia, South and Central America, torture, NSA: Obama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen,Somalia, Afr-com: Trump continuation of the above did not start new wars: Biden ww3.
The records of illegal wars cuts across all parties, and started from the get go. Biological weapons used on Native peoples, slavery, both in the US and all through Central and South America, Then on to the South Pacific. After WW2 it went on steroids.
Actually, 57 House Republicans and 11 Senate Republicans voted against the $40 billion. What in god’s name is the world coming to when Republicans can start to seem sensible? Glenn Greenwald got it right talking to Jimmy Dore: Liberals LOVE the security state. The way I put it is that Democrats LOVE fascism, pedophilia, and censorship. And, no to the inevitable question, I am not a Republican nor a Democrat.
I completely agree with you bluedog….you don’t have to worry about me.
The Reagan Administration was a revolving door for homosexual pederasts(Washington Times 1980). The Bush W Administration was a revolving door for homosexual pederasts also……One of these repellant creatures was a regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox(a male prostitute who advertised his services to high ranking US Military Officers-was USN Adimiral Mike Mullins one of his clients?)
Great article!
I have long thought that one could make a similar case that George W Bush was an Al Qaeda agent.
I would say more like an Iranian agent. You should read Scott Hortons book, “enough already”, where he outlines the hilariously disaster that turned out to be our ME policy. Ahmed Chalabi, who was the main guy the neocons worked with for their plans in Iraq had pretty obvious ties to Iranian intelligence. He’s the guy who told them that with saddam gone, the 70% Shia population would somehow gravitate to the king of Jordan, who would convince them to be pro-Israel & they would rebuild the pipeline to Jerusalem. It’s laughable that they believed any of his nonsense, moreover, published it seriously (Rebuilding Americas defenses, & every other PNAC paper), and genuinely believed it. Lmfao, of course the 70% Shia Iraqi population, oppressed by Saddam for decades, would immediately side with Iran. Funny enough, as WikiLeaks revealed, the whole operation in Syria was “bring Iran down a peg” after we empowered them 10 fold with the debacle in Iraq
I always appreciate anybody who writes as well as Mr.Orlov
joe9221, your commanding officer wants a word; must do better than this mush.
For other readers: a closely-allied perspective from a commentator who, unlike poor ‘joe’, is actually in Dmitry’s league – Jim Kunstler’s latest:‘
It is paradoxical but while US policies have made russia stronger, and it is impressive that the Chechens are fully integrated into Russia and fighting in Ukraine, other US policies have weakened America – cancel culture, BLM, George Floyd, transgenderism, stealing elections, political correctness over everything else
Dmitri Orlov is entertaining as always.
James: Agreed. In this case as well as being entertaining Dmitry is actually brilliant. He is actually right that there does exist in America a Deep State agency which drives relentlessly to make Russia great again. Dmitry’s logical pattern analysis cannot be faulted. And in capturing that pattern analysis Dmitry points to a great truth.
It just takes a radical understanding of depth psychology to see exactly how it is working.
Let me try to put it in my own words:
Start with the Islamic wisdom: “America is the great Satan.” Fine tune that a little to read “the great Satan is established in the American power structure.” Satan being the dark shadow of God is the father of lies and denial. What is denied? The true intrinsic Self. The God within the human. American power is a superstructure of egoism and as such it lives on lies in support of denial. We have heard the phrase “the great American lie.” That lie being the world view of the ego is superior to the truth of God (the human essence) And that American lie must rule over all things. The mania for unipolar hegemony. It is the prevailing mass consensus and the supreme mantra of the Deep State. It is really crystallized egoism.
Now in pushing the agenda of the lies of Satan the American power thinks it is bolstering the hegemony of ego based denial. That is all it can see and all it can possibly validate. At a deeper unnoticed level this sets up a cosmic power dialectic between the hegemony of ego based denial and the truth of the human essence which America pushes into the unconscious. Ego produces and finally empowers its own dialectical antagonist. It can do no other.
Psychologists note that for the Western ego Russia embodies the unconscious. So ego relentlessly drives to produce its own antagonist in the unconscious. The more powerful and relentless the American Deep State becomes the more it serves to create its own grave digger in the unmeasured realm of Being (the unconscious) i.e., Russia. In psychology we note that the relations between ego and unconscious takes the form of a power struggle. America turns this power struggle into an all consuming global drama
The thing both Dmitry and I find hilarious is that the American Deep State is in denial of its own denial. So it just cannot see that in its consistency it is successfully creating and weaponizing the power that will destroy itself. Dmitry being an intuitively intelligent Russian is reading this cosmic pattern wonderfully. He has laid out a genuinely cosmic dialectic in playfully correct political terms.
The conceptual difficulty we are all facing here is that modernity has no accepted language for understanding the cosmic logic he is clueing us into. So it is hard for us to fully grasp the real truth of what he is saying. He is absolutely right that the American Deep State is consistently working for the empowerment of Russia. That is the reality in the depths of its own self alienated ego driven denial, to which it is itself blind.
Perhaps the easiest shorthand way of closing the logical point is to come back to my first observation. But that obliges us to travel beyond the intellectual horizons of modernity. “America is the Great Satan.”
Satan being the shadow of God is a part of the divine entourage (Carl Jung) The presence of Satan reveals the presence of God. Together Satan and God harvest souls (Carl Jung again) When the logic of Satan drives to its final inevitable conclusion there we find the purpose of God fulfilled. It was once a Christian wisdom that in the final analysis the Devil (Satan) is duped into carrying forward the intention of God (Christ).
For this reason Christians can find the strength to not fear Satan but trust to the ways of God as being of far greater reality.
So if the American Deep State is Satanic (denial based) and unobstructed in its freedom of action then all it can really do is steadily construct the power that will destroy it. In their dance of death America and Russia are together acting out a plan of the most high. Dmitry has brilliantly captured the spiritual dimension of this cosmic logic.
But being a citizen of modernity the only language he has for it is politics.
I struggle to see the Deep State as an embodyment of that mystical power that strives to do evil but because it is flawed it only succeeds in thwarting its own purpose. It seems more likely that we are dealing with a system that by its design disincentivizes examining the consequences of policies.
May I add an example of any living organism’s need for feedback?
If there is no feedback, the precious homeostasis — the self-regulation toward the optimal state of all systems supporting the organism’s existence — is not anymore.
The Deep State canceled personal responsibility/accountability at the highest levels. The mechanisms of life-saving adjustments are thus destroyed, and the results of the institutionalized dumbness are truly spectacular.
Dmitry: Thank you for replying to my post. I really did enjoy your piece. It felt like intellectual fine art. Which triggered me into musing about one of my intellectual pastimes. It felt to me you were plucking the string of the Hegelian Dialectic. Which I regard as both a potentially rich font for “modern” philosophy as well as an avenue into modern political awareness. It being my favorite pastime to experiment with talking about it in our modern psychological language. Does Hegel do anything for you?
While there is the potential for extreme negative polarisation in hate seeking gratification in fantasies of power acted out upon the body (or world), the basis error of identity set in self image rather than true relational witness, usurps the mind to protect a mask against disclosure, and thus to justify itself as resisting greater evils by defending ‘lesser evils’. In short, those who set their identity against evils are unwittingly framed by the Adversary (another term for Satan). “Resist ye not evil” is a poorly understood teaching of Jesus – who resisted temptation by choosing not to engage or indulge in it.
The freedom of self-illusion is not a sin but implicit as freedom to create with or like God/love. Otherwise a robot merely runs a program and Creation is a train set. Setting self-illusion as the First or priority is backwards! and gives rise to a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. ~ Michael Ellner
Curiously the hollow parody of life exemplified in the mind-captured groupthink of ideological possession epitomised in the ‘West’ is robotic, and delivering unto its robot technocracy. There’s no love, peace or joy in a fake world, no matter how intensely its ritual fantasies are acted out – towards a bottoming out, and a Prodigal turnabout.
If Vladimir Putin had not given the order to invade Ukraine, the Azov Brigade would have engaged in the most gruesome slaughter imaginable of the Donbass Civilian Population. I would imagine the Russian response would have been an Iskander attack on Kiev-for starters. How close would the world have been to Nuclear WW3 then?
What the Russian Military has been doing in Ukraine is quite mild compared to what it would have done if the Azov Brigade had been allowed to invade Donbass…sends chills done your spine(the Azov Brigade that is..)
The Ukraine War is Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s War(for the record, I am not a Trump supporter-voter). Start asking what are the special interests that these two repellant creatures represented..and still represent.
Ukraine-Russia does not belong to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Sie haben das sehr gut erkannt. Putin konnte einfach nicht anders. Er musste diese Asow Nazis stoppen um Schlimmeres zu vermeiden.
Google-translate from mod:
You recognized that very well. Putin just couldn’t help it. He had to stop these Asow Nazis to avoid worse things.
‘If you have an alternative explanation, I’d like to hear it.’
Have you considered the possibility that the US is simply fulfilling the destiny to which it is entitled by virtue of its revolutionary origins, the consequential abrogation of prior established treaties with that continent’s native population, and all of the “exceptional nation’s” history (so-called manifest destiny) at others’ expense thereafter. Choosing the schoolyard bully role as a lifelong career seldom works out well and often turns out to be self-destructive in the long run. It can even produce well-deserved self-loathing with some very unpleasant mental and moral consequences.
If US retrogression that now follows inevitably from that country’s misbegotten establishment and parasitic history also advances Russian and many other more worthy interests, that’s just a welcome bonus.
Arvy ……has a most appropriate reply
to Orlov’s original ;revenge knife getting a twist in the gut of AUKUS western Zato imperialism irony
You are so right on, Arvy. The U.S. is a bully nation and has no notion of diplomacy, negotiation, nothing but total submission by other nations. Yes, our Eurovassals serve us masochistically — which may be their undoing — but it doesn’t mean the rest of the world is that stupid.
Fantastic description of present situation, but I do not think intelligent intervention is involved in Making Russia Great Again. Nor stupid one.
Western empire is duying from the old age. It is rottening from inside and out. Potent and vital Russia just flow in the hollow spaces that emerged everywhere in decomposing Anglosaxxon Empire.
It is richly dressed corpse, with only parasites still moving. Mindless followers will kneal for some time before dead King, than leave.
It is over.
Very good characterization. Everyone I know here in England is still kneeling
The author, like the usual subtle disinformation whackos, is trying to suggest that it was America/West that created conditions for Russian national/ international, domestic & military successes. As if, left alone, Russia would have melted into the abyss of a 4th world country never to be heard of again. The never ending narcissism that accompany every Western propaganda piece, always asserts that it’s the almighty West, the shinning city on the hill that makes or breaks nation states, their “accomplishments” couldn’t possibly have been possible by their own hard work, ingenuity, & merit.
When the choice is between do or die, as a rule do will win out and this is what happened to Russia..
Did you look at who the author is? Born in Novokuznetsk in 1962 … Yes, he has lived much of his life in the West but he also has a fairly extensive and accessible bibliography that would answer your questions about his motivations.
I appreciate Mr Orlov your sense of humour. America is obviously a self destructing country. Is America a paper tiger as Chinese used to say? Not exactly. It remains very dangerous, very unpredictable, and somehow irrationnal. American elites know they are on the decline, but deny it by all means. When asked about whatsoever problem, they just laugh. They are acting like superheroes in a b-movie. They try to understand what’s going on, and eventually they come back to their usual childish blame game. I think the American political elites inherited a world power they don’t understand. Basically they are as dumb as their president is. The brillant historical paradox of Mr Orlov applies to every people pushed randomly in a power position they don’t understand.
Since nov 2020, I hesitate between fear and laugh. I fear the crash. I laugh at the pilot. But, yes, I feel nervous. Nuclear war is not a laughing matter.
There’s something very special called Russkaja Dusha that gets attached to all who live in this multi-national country, even to those, who live a little while in that country. But, you have to have the mental capacity to receive it. Not everyone can, for example, those who work for the US embassy, or any other “western” embassy, however long they live in Russia. They come to Russia with a mental blockade. Poor souls!
Western elites are completely divorced from the results of their policies. If it turns bad they just have their PR people “create a new reality”. Hence the “evacuation”. They truly are this incompetent. How do you explain Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, or further back Vietnam? It isn’t just Russia or enen just foreign policy. Sometimes 2+2=4. No need to go all woke and create new maths. You are just accepting their world view at that point.Lol. they are really this corrupt and incompetent. It is the result of having nobody hold you accountable. Russia is not playing along so the whole farce is disintegrating in front of our eyes.
I specifically mentioned Slavic Russians for a reason:the Clintons-both Hillary and Bill- were raping underage Slavic Russian Girls on Jeffrey Epstien’s Carribean Pederasts Rape Island.
I am very impressed by Kardyov and his Men…To honor them I listen to lots of Adiga-Circassian music these days…They ain’t playing NFL Fantasy Football…that’s for sure. There are Cucks(“Men” who play Fantasy Football and listen to Sports Talk Radio)…and then there are real Men.
Exceptional Analysis!
Unintended Consequences.
Profound Irony.
Lessons Unlearned.
Pax American Lost.
The goal and open intent of the Democratic Party-Republican Party-The Pentagon is maximize profit and maximize Satanic Sexual Perversion-as rapidly as possible. And once you understand this, it all makes sense.
A Nation of real Men would never never let this happen…never.
How morally sick is America?…..Behold the spectacle of The Who on tour in America playing to sold out arenas across America as we type our comments. Pete Townshend is an obvious homosexual pederast who raped underage Slavic boys. Why do Americans buy very high priced tickets to see this dirty old Anglo-Irish man to perform? And Roger Daltry is a midget Anglo-Irish enabler of his very very good friend Pete Townshend. And the perverts in The Who are touring with the Ukraine Flag proudly displayed on stage-Townshend specifically wrote a tune for this tour to honor Ukraine’s heroic war against the evil Russkies.
What the hell is this comment doing attached to my comment and on this thread about Orlov’s article?
Unless Russia bombs Davos and kills all participants in WEF it is no better than the GAE US. After Putin kills Klaus Swchab and friends and puts their heads on pikes, then we can believe Russia is not just another evil corporation like our own so-called “nations.”
The thing which is interesting, to me, is that the United States and its vassals are literally footing the bill, financially, for both sides of this conflict.
Point 4 don’t understand that the main purpose of NATO is not to defect Russia.
It is to control European armies through brainwashing and training together.
With NATO controlling the armies and European Union controlling the lawsmakers, justice and Central Banks all the soft and hard power in European countries is under Us control.
NATO is not a alliance, is a Empire. They will never let NATO disappear even if Russia would dissapear
To quote Lord Ismay the first NATO secretary:
“to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
“NATO is not a alliance, is a Empire.”
Perhaps NATO is comparable to an entity such as the British East India Company, or even the SS, in its role as a state within a state.
The SS was the entity that actually ran all of the concentration and labor camps, whether for economic or other purposes.
Die Endfunktion der NATO wird darin bestehen, dass wenn alle äußeren Feinde eliminiert sind, die NATO Schergen sich nach innen wenden werden. Sie werden eine allumfassende Tyrannei gegen alles und jeden aufbauen.
Das habe ich 2014, kurz nach dem 60sten Jahrestag der Schlacht von Dien Bin Puh 24.5.1954 geschrieben. Es wurde im Oceana Saker publiziert. “Eternal Tyranny”
Google-translate from mod:
The NATO final function is that if all outer enemies are eliminated, NATO henchmen will turn inside. You will build an all -encompassing tyranny against everything and everyone.
I wrote that in 2014, shortly after the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Dien Bin Puh 24.5.1954. It was published in the Oceana Saker. “Eternal Tyranny”
I suggest that the explanation Mr Orlov requests can be found in Thomas Sowell’s book “The Vision of the Anointed”.
The Anointed are those soi-disant “liberals” (actually anything but) who have taken over Western society. They are convinced that they are far more intelligent and knowledgeable than the benighted masses, and therefore their prescriptions must always be carried out without demur or delay. When their prescriptions fail miserably – as they almost always do – the Anointed blame the masses for their stupidity and disobedience, and insist that the prescriptions must be carried out even more thoroughly and intensively. In other words, their response to failure is always to double down.
And there you have it, really. The syndrome was on display in the recent pan[dem]ic, although of course a few people made out like bandits. If “vaccinations” (which aren’t) completely fail to reduce mortality, why – let’s have MORE vaccinations! If lockdowns don’t work… well, you get my drift.
The key to understanding The Vision of the Anointed is that they KNOW they are always right about everything. For them to be wrong is literally unimaginable. Dr Sowell contrasts the Vision of the Anointed with what he aptly calls “the tragic vision”, which is similar to the traditional conservative philosophy: humans are fallible, nothing is perfect, so we must build on what has been proven by experience, and never assume that any brilliant new idea is certain to work. Rather Russian, as far as I can see.
“The key to understanding The Vision of the Anointed is that they KNOW they are always right about everything. For them to be wrong is literally unimaginable”.
Just to hammer the point home, such an attitude makes effective feedback impossible because any bad news if disbelieved. For decades now the US government and its poodles have followed the notorious policy of “fixing the intelligence around the policy”. In other words, having spent billions of taxpayers’ money on all sorts of alphabet soup “intelligence agencies”, the politicians either ignore them or actually tell them what to say.
That’s not how feedback is supposed to work. I used to fix electronic systems in which an output would go “hard ON” because the feedback was either jammed or not getting through. Western politicians do that deliberately.
Thank you, Tom. Makes perfect sense. If an Übermensch could err, he wouldn’t be Übermensch.
“The key to understanding The Vision of the Anointed is that they KNOW they are always right about everything. For them to be wrong is literally unimaginable”.
This is the essential western mindset.
In my opinion it is a mixture of stupidity and arrogance. For example, Egypt used to buy warplanes from the USSR. Then after various convulsions in both states, then Egypt was persuaded to buy US F-16’s. But there were restrictions on their armament, radars and use, in case the Israelis felt threatened. The planes were of the most basic and therefore useless, mark. Result? Egypt has now gone back to buying superior Russian types which threaten Israel, 🤪 so exactly the opposite of what was desired by the US was achieved!
Also, the herd-like public reaction in the ‘west’ to the action in Ukraine – wholesale swallowing of government propaganda, ignorance of what has been happening with the Minsk agreement and shelling of the Donbass, amnesia about Putin’s request for a security treaty, and so on and on.
I can only conclude that there is a cumulative effect from chemicals in the water supply, or undiagnosed ‘mad cow’ disease affecting all levels of the western world.
Along with the deep state stuff, the current US administration habitually overreaches. That is what is happening with SWIFT. It is getting overused as a political device, thus breaking down.
Every 10 or twenty years, the West starts a war in Europe and creams off the best educated members of that society for its own needs. A diploma in Canada costs the Canadian taxpayer half million dollars but starting a war in Europe the diplomas are free. After WWII we got many scientists (many Nazis amongst them) , many Czech and Hungarian engineers and foresters, and recent Jugoslav’s left and found a home in Canada. In Croatia and Bosnia alone, population has fallen by 5%. What has that done to Canada’s society? It has created a lazy society on both ends of the labor market.
Homeless predominate many streets in the USA and Canada who get their fix in a local drug store defecate in back alleys, or in the open, while service jobs are taken by south Asians, Mexican and Africans whose children are becoming engineers, teachers, lawyers, dentists, and other professionals. Crime, panhandling, and drug use are everywhere and the elderly fear being out on their own.
The other day I went to Tim Horton’s with a friend for coffee and I said look at this, we have an NBA team here. He said, what are you talking about. I said, look at the workers, one Caucasian and the rest South Asians. This is Canada’s service sector, including farms, and stores.
COVID for me, like for many others, has ended my personal stops at Starbucks, MacDonald’s and other fat food outlets which we don’t miss. The grandkids don’t miss these places either, the family has replaced this with old-fashioned home cooking. On any day one can see on Canada’s and America’s streets overweight people that can barely fit through doorways.
My recommendation to Russia is to get back to rigor in schools, promote the family, and introduce critical thinking and remind the new generation of Russians using a few pictures of our streets with zombie like young people pushing a stolen grocery cart with all their worldly possessions in it like they reminded us here by indoctrinating us that all Russian women were pulling boats up the Volga
The West has become everything we have been told in school about USSR. We have no freedom of speech, or press. Censorship is everywhere. We must hide to communicate as they spout our freedom of opinion. Yes we have freedom of opinion if it is the narrative of those who manufacture consent. If you complain to a branch of government that protects the supposed freedoms, you are ignored, or your complaint is given to the one you are complaining about. I am at a loss to explain how they have managed to create a society of “dodos” who think that they have freedom of speech, when they are only free if they disagree with their own opinion.
I too live in Canada, the western part. My patents were Europena imigrants, the country I grew up in is long gone. Replaced by a collective woke former image of itself. My prediction is what Dmitry Orlov predicted a number of years ago. The US as we know it today, and Canada as well, will break up into multiple consituent parts and form their own political geographic units. Much like the dissolution of the USSR, North America has used up the most important capital it had, human capital. The regions that are most productive get leached by those regions that are not, in time this realization will lead to the USSR 2.0 breakup in North America.
It is not only stupidity at work, although there is clearly plenty of that & it is on open display through the North Atlantic establishment – but the US decision to begin off shoring its industry in the 1970s, to places such as…..China. That was a move of high genius. Admittedly, it would have been difficult for anyone to predict back then the spectacular manner in which China would take this capital & infrastructure infusion & turn it massively to its own advantage. That would have been hard to predict. But it would not have been hard to predict the consequences of deindustrialization. In the early 20th century, certain British lords warned against what they could detect as banker influences tendencies to push British industry off shore, because essentially, the Anglo-American banking sector has always been hostile to manufacturing industry. They warned that industry is a strategic asset & without it the British Empire would decline into irrelevance. There are still narratives pushed stating that this was all about cheap labour, were that the case the off shoring would have happened earlier, & continuously. In the 1970s the US restructured its economy purposely into a finance/service based economy, run on debt, or cheap credit, financed by the petro Dollar supported US treasury scam – basically accruing endless debts that would never be repaid. This was done as a strategic move of huge misjudgement, because the Ango-American establishment believed they would corrupt China with capital & transform the country from the inside. By the early 1980s it was clear that things were not going as anticipated & the US organised a colour revolution which culminated in the Tiananmen incident, that the West has ever since decried as a “massacre”. It was in fact, the legitimate suppression of an armed uprising organised by an external power, the US. Hilary Clinton recently opined that the off shoring of American industry to China was one of the biggest strategic mistakes in US history. But this is the point, it was a mistake – just as the way the US has treated Russia since 1991 is a mistake – but also it is not. The systemic imperatives of a banking empire require this kind of behaviour, what took place in the US in the early 1970s was a bankers coup d’état, they managed something they had been trying to pull of since the 1920s, a take over of the economy. That is why the US off shored its industry, cheap labour was just an incentive within what was a more urgent imperative to restructure the American economy in favour of Wall St over industry, the only industry that was permitted to remain was that directly subsidized by the tax payer, i.e. armaments. Same thing happened in Britain, this was an Anglo-American manoeuvre. There is a system in place that destroys itself, it was what Putin warned the West about at Munich in 2007, this predatory system annihilates its own base.
Right on point here, I cannot agree more
1. Divine Intervention. Seriously. Part of optimizing morality with a GAN requires Adversarial instantiation.
2. Surgeons, generals, and politicians require lacking empathy: treating people as pieces of meat to move around. Otherwise they’d be overwhelmed. Successful politicians seem to select for narcissism, which some believe also correlates with lack of predictive ability, due to deficits in Theory of Mind. If you can’t put yourself in others’ shoes, then you feel no pain, and can move rapidly; but you also can’t anticipate informed responses.
3. Divine Comedy. We are reaching the climax of the hubris–ate–nemesis cycle, providing much hilarity to The Earth Show.
Also see: Ray Dalio’s “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order”:
As always, delighted to hear from you, Dmitry.
The self-destructive behavior of US (and, much more so, European) elites is truly astounding. and only so much can be laid at the door of “believing your own propaganda” or “getting high on your own supply”. I think I shall have to go with “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”
Stephen, I never heard the phrase “getting high on your own suppy”, that’s funny! In the end it’s always best to go with the tried and true and these psychopaths are truly going mad with their behavior! Hope I’m around long enough to witness the destroyed part.
Thank you. There is a lot of truth to the above. It is somewhat ironic.
“To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction” – Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
Dmitry, I always enjoyed reading your articles on Russian Insider back in the day!. Wonderful to see you here on this fabulous site and hope you continue posting here!
I post regularly at
Excellent post Mr. Orlov.
I would add to your list of projects (but not related to Russia) that have achieved the diametrically opposed results:
-The ‘Globalists’ plan to subordinate the Chinese government to them by infiltrating the Chinese economic system.
– The ‘Globalists’ plan to replace fossil fuels.
As to why the ‘Globalists’ are so adept at achieving results that are diametrically opposed to their stated objectives on such a consistent basis, I would posit the following:
1. These ‘Masters of the Universe’ have isolated themselves from the real world.
2. They reject any information, data and analyses which does not fit their own ‘narrative’ because to accept them would put into question their own ‘Mastery’.
I have no doubt that you will be able to add ‘The Great Reset’ to their list of ‘accomplishments’ within the next year.
I would add a third reason for the ‘Globalists” success in achieving ‘opposite’ results:
– the incompatibility of ‘value-systems’.
The ‘Globalists’, like all authoritarians, have a value system based on ‘fear and greed’. They expect all people to respond to threats of violence or financial incentives and financial threats.
However, most people operate on a different value system, one that I would describe as ‘contribution’. Contribution to family, community, country.
Thus the ‘Globalist” actions for the most part fail to elicit the expected response, and as Mr. Orlov outlines, most often achieve the opposite result. But the ‘Globalists’, incapable of conceiving of this other value system and unable to admit failure, can only ‘double-down’, often converting defeat into catastrophe.
Well said! I would like to propose an alternative scenario that belongs in the category of stupidity or lack of thought.
The Deep State has written the book on successful regime change. Their actions against Russia were straight from this book, weren’t they? They did everything that worked in the past. What happened?
One problem is that Russia and China read the book, thought about what they had read and planned their actions accordingly. A second problem for the DS is that their playbook on regime change was written by intellectual giants in the past. The modern DS doesn’t appear to have the intellectual horsepower to revise the book. It’s not insanity to do the same thing over and over again, expecting the same outcome. But it is terminal stupidity not to realize when past solutions no longer work.
Inspiring, magnificent and very, very witty essay. Thank you so much!
“… but then, following the Soviet collapse, Russia was weakening and destroying itself very well all by itself, no intervention needed …”
This sentence shows an utter misunderstanding of what was happening in the Soviet space during the 90s.
The rest of the piece is built atop that assumption. That is where it fails first.
The second failure is the underestimation of the level of hubris within the Western elites. Coupled with an utter lack of history, geography and physics understanding among the same group.
Result is a beautiful “Castle in the Clouds” style analysis. Every brick is nicely aligned with the next one … just … it is all a fantasy.
The foundations that The Castle is said to have been built on never existed. So does not The Castle.
I think globalist networks helping transition to a multipolar world have been both boosting Russia and weakening the US hegemon. China is involved, either the official State or networks within. Most likely they have done a deal with Deep State networks within US (and Europe) influencing or outright controlling media, finance, politics, most govt agencies. There are few truly international networks capable of this, but the Jewish international tribal network is one of them. Maybe the Chinese-and-Globalists networks have made a deal with international Jewish networks. Maybe the latter will get to move most of its human and other resources from the troubled and tiny Israel territory to the far larger Ukraine territory from where she will manage the surveillance and digital finance mechanisms which soon will dominate Western society.
Maybe this whole thing is a long drawn out move from Wall St. Zurich and the City to somewhere closer to the emerging Eurasian civilization, somewhere like, say, Ukraine, Makinder’s geopolitical pivot country, the country said to determine the fate of the entire geopolitical world.
This of course may be entirely wrong. But some sort of collusion between a globalist network world wide with operative within various key western nations – like USA for example – seems the most likely explanation for all this.
Kudos for pointing it out so lucidly and playfully.
The China globalist conspiracy is something I’ve commented on before & I don’t intend to repeat myself – but China is an independent actor & not hostage to any network – let alone Jewish. How do we know that? Well, one by following the decision making process of the Chinese government, especially in Xi Ping’s period, but the most decisive factor is the capital accumulation in China – it is mostly in state hands. And the state sector is growing. And on top of that, China’s policies increasingly are to the benefit of the state sector (hence why it is growing). So China is drowning out private capital gradually, Russia has been doing the same, & in so doing, reducing their influence. There is no question that for a time the globalist forces in China had the dominant position, & it looked for a time they may win the day, but the situation has gone in the other direction. As far as Jewish networks are concerned, yes, they are real, they exist, but how “Jewish” they are & how German they are is a question worth pondering on. The vast majority of the big name Jewish banking families are German Jewish, occasionally you will get a family of a different origin, Sasoons or Sebag-Montiefore’s, but for the most part, the Jewish bankers are German bankers, in fact, they are the descendants of the Court Jews on the Middle Ages.
I was cut off before I could complete my comment – too much, way too much is made of these Jewish networks, it may seem odd that a group of co-religionists assume so much power in finance & in politics, as a consequence of finance, but it is no more odd than the fact that we still have European nobility in places of influence & huge wealth after all these centuries. The Habsburgs go back how many centuries? And they remain hugely wealthy & powerful – because the west remains hugely wealthy & powerful. There are Jewish communities that originate from diverse locations all over the world, but their members do not make up any of the German Jewish banking aristocracy. So when commentators mention Jewish networks, they rarely know what they are talking about.
Dimitry. I must take exception to MRGA. I wish I could see it but I can’t. Today at 11:11 AM PST I will turn 75 years old. In all those years I have not come across a single American capable of even thinking up MGRA let alone implementing it.
I mean it. 75-80% of “Americans” are dumb shits who often can’t even spell the name of the state they live in. Seriously.
Not one person I know, living in a well off area in Kalifornia called Glendale, even knows where the hell Ukraine is let alone what is going on there. Nor do they care to know. They are “streaming” or making useless, costly movies and can’t be bothered.
What they do know is that Amber Heard left a deuce in Depp’s bed and what the score was in the last Dodgers game, if there even was one. They also know that face masks are magical and will save you from something although they can’t name the thing it actually saves you from and how it does so. But they know damn it all!
Local politicians are bought and paid for corporate developer crooks who continually privatize government services all the while telling us skyrocketing costs are “good” for us and we should shut the hell up.
The bigger idiots in DC don’t give a flying screw about the rest of us as long they get richer and more powerful by the day and they lack a hint of intelligence required to come up with MRGA. In fact their “leader” often doesn’t even know what state or place he is in. My guess is that his handlers have strapped a GPS device on him so he can find his way home at night. Or they can find him if they even need him.
Not to worry though, these geniuses intend to run our new Princess Markle for President and that will magically solve all our problems.
Good article though. Nice try. Don’t buy it.
Brilliant summation, as always. What happens in Odessa Oblast when the SMO, as seems likely, eliminates the Donbas cauldron over the next few weeks? Also, will US seek to escalate in Ukraine now or (out of character, to be sure) seek to memory-hole the whole thing now and move on to set a fire somewhere else?
I am not quite convinced because
a) you get storm if you sow wind
b) US dollar and GB pounds both are crap now
c) the US military is built on debts alone (as the whole USA)
d) military weapons are only built to get destroyed (purest black of capitalism and Fiat money)
e) the US economy can’t even provide enough baby nourishments any more
deducted from this I propose
I) the US and NATO military will get destroyed (by itself or by others)
II) BTW the same as they US intend for the Russian military
III) the Chinese are simply waiting for this to happen
In German there is a saying: “Wer andern eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein!” It’s all about one’s intention in the first place, though.
And remember what the indian ghost dance original inventor saw in his trance – that the whites would be killed by water or fire (or both). He just thought it was about 3-4 years when it was about more than 150 years to get this far that it really can happen.
Estados Unidos comparte con Israel una misma dirigencia política. Nada tiene de extraño que los que han hecho grande a Irán obtengan idénticos resultados en Rusia.
The Englishmen also seem to be making their happy contribution…
Magnificent! I translated most of the article and made a thread on Twitter, the social network that least censors pro-Western opinions. It’s killing a lion a day to hurt the bubble, but there are already considerable advances in Brazilian public opinion.
I have a hypothesis: the socio-economic-political state of the world has certain stable states, and countries will, when left to their own devices, lean towards one of these stable states. Also, the force that moves the state of a country is elastic and has some inertia. Which means that it works like a pendulum – once it goes back, it’s difficult to stop. The state of the world that the US constructed after WWII was not stable. The US had to expend energy to keep it that way. When the opposing force finally swung around, there was nothing the US could have done to keep the state as it was. So it’s not a conspiracy to make Russia great again, nor is it 100% stupidity. Just the forces beyond their control.
Anyway, that’s my hypothesis.
I have been visiting The Saker more regularly since the events in recent times. Of course, I was already familiar with Orlav from many years before that. I usually do not bother to comment anymore, anywhere, other than my own Website, but nevertheless, in reply to “let me know what you come up with:”
There are inherent PARADOXES which follow from being able to back up lies with violence. While successfully enforcing frauds achieve symbolic robberies which continue as feedback loops, those necessarily do so at the final costs of becoming about exponentially more fraudulent.
Civilization was made and maintained through prolonged and persistent applications of the methods of ORGANIZED CRIME. Indeed, there is no political system other than fractal patterns of organized crime. There is nothing but the dynamic equilibria of different systems of more or less organized lies operating robberies. However, the language used to describe doing so then manifests the inherent nature of the excessively successfulness of applying the principles and methods of organized crime through politics.
PARADOXICALLY, the more successful the established systems based upon ENFORCING FRAUDS, the more those systems are necessarily driven by their own inherent mechanisms to attempt to continue to become about exponentially more FRAUDULENT!
Hypernormalizations of hyperhypocrisies:
An Anglo American (Zionist) Finance Empire
The abilities to enforce frauds are the underlying mechanisms regarding the apparent PARADOXES regarding how and why it appears as if there some “Secret American Plan to Make Russia Great Again.”
Successfully enforcing frauds drives increasing fraudulence, as the ruling classes become increasingly psychotic psychopaths. The excessively successfulness of the Anglo American (Zionist) Finance Empire NECESSARILY results in Globalized Neolithic Civilization manifesting runway criminal insanities (whereby opposites are PARADOXICALLY ACHIEVED.)
PARADOXICALLY, the relatively recent reversals suffered by Russia have somewhat more corrected the Russian reliance on runaway fraudulence. Indeed, many authors like to make a big deal about sociopolitical systems which appear as slightly less fraudulent, as therefore being not fraudulent. However, all human beings live as nested toroidal vortices engaged in entropic pumping of environmental energy flows, which means all human beings necessarily live in energy systems which match the principles and methods of organized crime. PARADOXICALLY, the most socially successful manifestations of doing so become the most dishonest.
Indeed, the dominant Finance Empire is based on deliberately ignoring the principle of the conservation of energy as much as possible, while also misunderstanding the concept of entropy in the most absurdly backward ways possible. The long history of successful warfare based on deceits and treacheries has resulted in a political economy based on enforcing frauds therefore NECESSARILY becoming about exponentially more fraudulent.
Sociopolitical systems based on enforcing frauds are all too successful in the short to medium term, but then become less and less successful in the longer term, as those systems NECESSARILY attempt to enforce about exponentially increasing fraudulence.
However, as now characterized by the dominant Finance Empire attempting to consolidate its globalized fraudulence, in ways which are miraculously supposed to continue to sustain that almost exponentially increasing fraudulence, the actual REALITIES driven by excessively successful enforcement of frauds become increasing fraudulence in the form of RUNAWAY CRININAL INSANITIES.
My background is finance and economics. I also analyse things as multilayered and fluid.
Other reasons Russia rebounded so well from the 1990’s:
– paying off IMF loans in full (by early 2000’s) before the interest became crippling, and in turn a constant drag on GDP (economic slavery)
– within Russia’s Deep State, the emergence of a new generation of influencers in govt, industry and the like, began to come to the fore. These people understood the failure of communism, and the malign influence of foreign money to buy outcomes. They are the backbone of today’s unified and well managed state entities.
– re-taking/restructuring/returning of oil and gas assets to state control equating in the 2000’s. Rosneft and Gazprom et al today represent well executed restructuring of oil and gas sector in early-mid 2000’s.
– the sustainable income stream to govt revenues from oil and gas allows for paying for R&D, weapons systems, and salaries for a first world defence industry.
– i don’t pretend to know the dynamics of Russian politics – I do see capable people being thrown in to key positions. Thrown is a key word – they sink or swim. If they fail, another capable person emerges…sometimes after a safe pair of hands (with outside motivation) is inserted for a time.
– President Putin has a great ability to balance competing political and financially powerful forces over two decades. This allows progress to be consistent and incremental (no shock) rather than the shock therapy of the (early) 1990’s
– and more…
(written quickly, soz for typos)
This looks as a joke, but it is not. Because it is more and more clear for me that the real enemy here of US is not Russia, it is Europe. The main goal of US has been, and is to prevent the birth of a big political and economic union of countries from the Atlantic to China. So the iron wall must be rebuilt.
King James Bible, Isaiah 3:4
“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.”
You see this great prophet has not only foreseen the coming of the Lord but has also written the Domesday Book of Western civilization.
Adeste fideles … venite adoremus.
Brilliant as usual, I cannot possibly find an explanation for such astonishing achievements. Except this one, using a Saker’s metaphor: the US foreign policy is the sum resulting vector of several agencies, often with diverging interests, besides lacking of long-term (over one decade) strategy. As happen for radio signals, the sum of incoherent efforts leads to white noise, and maybe we can call this “heterogony of ends”, “self-fulfilling prophecy” or similar concepts.
Good, thoughtful piece. But all joking aside, there is an alternative explanation which fits the facts.
Dmitri’s assumption is that the American rulers (they don’t govern, the don’t administer, they rule) are rational beings with rational goals. It is clear that from Reagan onwards these rulers have been neither rational nor have rational goals. First, let’s recognize that they are psychopaths. not oligarchs, not megalomaniacs, not sociopaths, but psychopaths. Then let’s remember Karl Rove’s words: “We’re an empire now, we make our own reality.” Our psychopathic rulers understand that America is an empire, and in their psychopathic imperial view nothing else matters but what they say and think and do. Facts don’t matter. Objective reality never registers: “We make our own reality.” In this view, Russia is still communist, it’s still a super-power and always was, and it remains the greatest threat on the planet. America has the greatest military and can smash anybody at any time, but Russia has nukes and spies. China might make a lot of stuff but who cares, Japan did the same earlier, and Germany before that, and the UK before that, and we destroyed them all. We cannot make mistakes because we make our own reality.
Psychopathic solipsism at its peak.
“If you have an alternative explanation, I’d like to hear it.”
I cannot add anything new. I can only repeat a summary of other comments.
Opinions of our leaders
– narcissism
– psychopaths
I’m the selected anointed one, I’m the expert, I know more than you, don’t bother explaining you alternative I know best, I’m a racist
Also, if war can make you rich, then, after the destruction, the peace will make you 10X richer.
The U.S. State Dept. has been infested with communists since WW1 and Woodrow Wilson, they tried to steal the Russian elections for their comrades in the Russian Communist Party through non-profit n.g.o.s… just like at home in America… But Vladimir Putin defeated them, so they launched a fággot jihad against the Russian Orthodox church over the punk rock band and the Olympics (something Bítch Romney stupidly piled onto). Miss neo-kabbalah lesbian Madonna, now rumored to be a Muslim convert, was flown in to agitate while Hillary was on a world-wide gay pride tour.
When the Iron Curtain fell down the Bolshevik Jews all fled to the other side because they knew what the Russians would do to them after 100 years of communism. The best thing about Russia getting Crimea back… Catherine the Great took it from the Turks… What happened right after Russia retook Crimea? The Russian FSB searched all the Turks living there… Why? Because NATO sponsors Islamist terrorism when it suits them to… NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
The Podesta Group was paying Hosni Mubarak about 1.3 million dollars a year, they also rigged the Egyptian election for the Muslim Brotherhood’s now deposed Mohammed Morsi… reactions to the subsequent crack down on non-profit N.G.O.s by both the Egyptian and Russian governments should have been enough to implicate the real election hackers… HINT: they weren’t Russian.
The EUSSR needed Libya’s oil, but Muammar Gadhafi decided he wanted gold instead of worthless fiat currency from the EU… What was the first thing NATO did when Gaddafi was deposed besides stealing all of Libya’s gold? Form a new government? NOPE, they formed a new Libyan national bank. Now, why would they do that? Because even if Muammar was deposed, he and his heirs would still be the sole proprietors!
And while Leon Puñettas (sic) was so busy with gay pride celebrations at the Pentagon, three Navy Seals and a U.S. ambassador were murdered, all because everyone was being so fúcking gay.
Dmitry Orlov’s articles are always a pleasure to read, a real feast of good English prose with his trademark wit. This article provides a rare insight in contemporary history. There is an old Sanskrit saying which can be roughly translated as : Those who are about to undergo extinction first lose their mind. The Western civilization is losing its collective mind. This is but a logical culmination of the choices it has been making beginning with the Schism in Christianity.
Nothing happens without God’s permission. If so many circumstances favorable to maintaining Russia’s independence took place, it might well be the sign of a special blessing. Russia has obviously a special role to play in history. This nation is protected by the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The historical magnitude of the unfolding events, the existential fight in which Russia is committed and the historic russophobia are signs that the culminating point of the empire of lies is being reached. When we look backwards, until the fall of the Ussr, it is amazing how things have changed. Western world might well collapse, and the suicidal stupidity of European leadership is a sort of blindness. USA policy is a qui a and short sighted, whereas Russia has a vision.
Let us pray that our nations confronted to economic distress and possibly war eventually turn back their minds and hearts towards their former Christian faith. Otherwise they’ll disappear.
There is a path to conversion : The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Theotokos and our Mother.
The Russian people are so lucky that the ever dutiful and sanction compliant yank corporations, McDonalds and Starbucks (often known as McDonalds for adults) are pulling out of the RF.
You have been saved from Coca-Cola culture and all the rest of the putrid shite and so called ‘progressive’ ideas that comes from amurica. Your children will be healthy and they won’t become morbidly obese adults riding around in mobility scooters.
It begs the question: how can we in Ireland, get the yanks and it’s NATO-EU lickspittles to hate us and boycott us? Should we apply to join the Russian Federation / Sovereign Union, invite the RF to set up military and naval bases in our country and help us recover our occupied lands from the britz and their loyalist neo-nazi allies?
We can but dream.
Reinventing Collapse remains a classic exposition of what was inevitable for The West in its hubris. That is the reason I believe it never did not than treat Russia just as Carpetbaggers treated the Postbellum Confederacy in USA – excluding them from Congress to pass 14th Amendment and appointing military governors. – yet The South arose once more to become the dynamic Sunset Law centre of US economic growth and technology.
Further, clipping the wings of Oligarchs and rendering the modern day Boyars subject to State authority is something The West has failed to do to its own Oligarchy and that has collapsed what was left of representative democracy and social equity.
Putin has spent his entire term in office trying to undo the chaos unleashed by that dysfunctional duo Gorbachev and Yeltsin – it was Gorbachev that brought Yeltsin to Moscow to implement his program and it was Gorbachev whose vanity left him open to Western blandishments.
Russia is usually strong when Germany is weak and vice-versa. Schmidt, Kohl and Schroeder enabled a balance of interests to emerge because Schmidt had fought on the Eastern Front; Kohl had a brother KIA on the Eastern Front; and Schroeder lost a father in the retreat from USSR.
I see Western political elites as having lost any intellectual edge. I recall when learning Russian was important but select – yet within a few years it was impossible to buy a Russian-English dictionary and only Oxford published one. The West wallowed in hubris and held Russia in contempt – it focused on Neo-Colonial wars and believed it was The Fount of ALL. That is what allowed Russia to recover because The West had no real knowledge of Russia and its core interests – and overrated Germany – yet failed to see where China would arrive.
In short – as Deng Xioaping began his New Economic Program – Germany was introducing the GDR to West German Capitalism. – now with China ostensibly under CCP tutelage and GDR absorbed into Green/Merkelite Germany – which one is dynamic and dominant in modern technologies and growing like topsy ? Which has de-industrialised ?
It is an excellent text. Right to the point. Since much before the SMO started in Ukraine I had been following Russia in videos and news, and developed a great admiration for Russians and also for Mr. Putin, who I think has been by far the best Head of State in the 21st century. The West is decadent and degenerate, especially with this radical left Democrat administration of Mr. Biden, the hollowness of the EU leadership, and the satanic cult around the World Economic Forum. I hope Russia can play a fundamental role in shaping a multipolar world that is much more sane and mentally and spiritually healthy. Slava Rossiy! Go, Russia, go!
It seems to me, here in the U.K., that the universal idea about Russia is one of fear, and hatred. After all, they are communists! Western liberal democracy and capitalism cannot stand communism.
So suspicion is the order of the day when thinking of anything Russian.
Every one of the ten points raised in this article can be understood in the light of this. Every action or non action by the west against Russia is because of their fear and hatred of Russia.
But surprise, surprise, Russia not only survived this, due to their resilience and courage and pride, coupled with excellent political, defence, educational, health and social systems, etc., but they succeeded in rebuilding their country and have brought it to a position of strength again.
It was not the west that made Russia great again, that would be an insult, it was Russia itself by its own hard work that makes it great again.
I’ve seen this line of argument elsewhere. Just can’t recall where…. it was a Russian academic of some noteriety, his name escapes me. I want to say Andrey Fursov but I’m not sure.
Interesting as this is an angle little discussed: What if it is not the Deep State who did it, but KGB?
Yuri Bezmenov warned about this angle, ideological subversion from Sovjet/KGB, only to see the whole scenario explode in West, with riots, LGBT, destruction of the family structure, weakening State Institutions, missing the ability to see whats up and down, eager to destroy everything that is good in their own societies.
So we know Sovjet/KGB had influence agents in West according to Bezmenov. Sovjet didnt work out, so what do you do? You invite your enemy inside your house to be allowed into your enemy’s.
Kissinger quote: “It is not a matter of what IS true that counts, but rather what is PERCEIVED to be true.”
But, from a personal point of view. We all have an instinct which lead us and we have free will, plus as this was public in 1984, it impossible that the People on the Hill was not aware of it.
So did Deep State lead KGB or was it KGB who lead Deep State, or were they all along twins and part of the same?
Just an after note: As an Engineer I hate this Kissinger quote. In the physical world you cant perceive things to be true. It is either or. Either its true or it is false. The rest is for leftist idiots.
Spot on. Who financed the Bolsheviks? The West. Who financed Fascism? The West? Who built China up as a export platform? The West. What is this West? Synarchy. Each and every major step in the development of the European Union from a simple trading body to a borderline superstate can be traced back to a very specific ideology, which upholds rule by an elite from behind the scenes. But this isn’t just about politics. Astonishingly, this ideology is also about mysticism and magic.
This shadowy politico-occult movement is synarchy, which was developed by the Frenchman Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves, the Marquis d’Alveydre, in opposition to the rise of anarchy in the second half of the nineteenth century. To him the ideal synarchist state would be a rigid social hierarchy topped by an elite that is predestined to rule – absolutely at odds with the then emerging concepts of democracy, individual liberty and social mobility.
Spot on. Oligarchs run all “sham democracies” and very likely despite the odds Anatoliy Golitsyn – The Perestroika Deception-was as accurate as a think tank.
Of course Anatoliy did not realize that the corporate West (think of Schwab and his bust of Lenin) embraced Leninism in it’s Techo-Fascist form.
The Perestroika Deception is a sequel to Anatoliy Golitsyn’s famous work New Lies for Old, published in 1984, which accurately predicted the preplanned removal of the Berlin Wall, ‘collapsible Communism’ and all the deceptive Leninist strategic events of 1989-91.
Both Golitsyn books expose the Soviet Bolshevik strategy to procure the establishment of World (Communist) Governance. Western participants in this long-range plan collaborated with the Soviets to procure the ‘fall’of the Soviet Union, but failed to understand that they were being double-crossed by the Soviets – who have covertly persisted with their dimension of the World Revolution as though nothing really changed: which it didn’t. There was no true strategic discontinuity in 1989-91 – merely a Leninist (deceptive) discontiniuty to hoodwink the West.
Anatoliy_Golitsyn___The_Perestroika_Deception.pdf ( 1.49MB ) Number of downloads: 1176
I would like to state that the situation as described over the past 32 years is to me a confirmation of the hand of the Cosmic Christ in all of this. Always one step ahead of the rest.
Dear Dmitry,
I agree with your excellent analysis. There is however a simple explanation for the Anglozionist stupidity that I fear you may have missed: “Those whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad.” (Euripides). A subtle but very true proof of God’s existence and opposition to evil!
Pure, distilled 146% true. Why do you think the Russians are talking about awarding Biden as Hero of the Soviet Union? No man has done so much harm for the US as Comrade Biden! He must be an old KGB agent!
Funny article, by the way, thanks.
Dear Yuri
If you are an Orthodox Christian and share my Faith in Christ (I’m Catholic, so a ‘crusader’ under The Saker classification:), this would be explained by Lucifer using his willing or unwilling minions in every level of society around the world and the reason to fortify Russia would be the unavoidable III WW (Israel is another key catalyst for this, Satan has probably 2-3 options). This war and world famine are needed to create the chaos and havoc that will allow the Anti-Christ to present himself to the World as the new Savior of mankind with all the solutions for all the crisis he created in first hand.
For me this is the only explanation and I already arrived to your taking notice of facts, when I saw the latest rounds of “sanctions on Russia” my conclusion was that the occult power in the backstage of the World wants the destruction of Europe AND a world famine… and now we have the Pandemic 2.0… only blinds can’t see it.
Very true, and shows the irony of the wests best efforts to destroy Russia. Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous dictum that “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth”, however, has a fatal logical flaw – you can never eliminate all the impossibles, and even if you did, it certainly wouldn’t leave just one option remaining, but many others, any one of which could be the truth.
The answer to the riddle is not so difficult to perceive. The cabal that is trying to destroy Russia are themselves subject to psychological constraints such as belief in false paradigms and reasoning that when a course of action does not work, it is not because the course of action is wrong in of itself, but because it is not sufficiently intense. This would lead in time to more and more extreme measures, which is exactly what we are seeing.
The US is also being assailed and co-opted and overwhelmed by the nefarious intent of the anglo-zionist cabal and their paid minions in all the major institutions.
Orlov’s commentary is a masterpiece of intellect and intelligence. But I am not surprised: he has offered such masterpieces before. The high quality of his written English should also be noted. Поздравляю!
i can supply Dmtry with an answer.
Will start with an example. From 1966 I was opposed to the Vietnam war and have been punished for that ever since. I was still basically a child in ’66, it took no great intelligence or wisdom to see that the war was a disaster for US as well as for Vietnam. A lot of people were opposed to the war, saying anything meant retribution. As soon as I was old enough for adult prosecution off to prison I went.
The one civics lesson every American child learns is keep your mouth shut and your head down. Raise your head above the parapet and expect to be shot. This much applies across all social strata, even the most privileged. When stupidity is an actual requirement no one learns anything.
The only form of public or political activity permitted is boosterism. This means public display of an empty brain.
Intelligence may be applied to engineering, sports, entertainment. Otherwise intelligence is suspect. Engineering is now minorities only. Math is not taught in school. After school classes mostly conducted in Chinese. Entertainment is totally controlled by the mafia, which is for practical purposes CIA. Sports is also mostly fixed. To get on a high school sports team the best tactic is parents who begin making Boosters Club donations as soon as pregnancy is contemplated.
With all mental activity shut down even the elites know very little. Russia Bad is as sophisticated as it gets. Following total defeat in Ukraine what we should expect is Ukrainian irredentists even more firmly entrenched. Ukrainians largely control Canadadian foreign policy at this point and that will expand. A heck of a lot of Ukrainian Jews already in US policy circles, we will be worse than Canada.
I agree.
There was a multigenerational adaptation to the dominance of the biggest bullies’ bullshit. For generation after generation, some people were rewarded for agreeing with lies, while other people were punished for not agreeing with lies. The most important of those became the ways that private banks were able to capture control over the public money supplies, such that public governments enforced the frauds by private banks. Almost the entire political economy is based on ENFORCING FRAUDS, while the structure of those systems necessarily drives the development of numbers which become debt insanities. Since the death controls back up the debt controls, runaway debt insanities necessarily provoke runaway death insanities.
As my previous comment above outlined, the Anglo-American (Zionist) Finance Empire has been starting various wars based on deceits for decade after decade. Those wars based on deceits primary purpose was to provide the death controls to back up the debt controls. However, since that Finance Empire has necessarily generated numbers which have become runaway debt insanities, there was nothing else possible than the eruption of runaway death insanities.
True. If you visit Saskatchewan, for instance, as I used to do, you don’t want to talk to the locals because too many of them are Ukrainian immigrants. Canadian foreign policy is now Ukrainian-Canadian policy, that is, to the extent it is not American-Canadian policy. Talk about Canada’s sovereignty!
Seems like an interesting and possibly happy story, but does nuclear war and nuclear first strike against Russia, or possibly vice versa become the ending? Of course, the stopping of the speculative insanity in Russia and also in China was a hidden blessing of this anti-Russian hysteria and anti-China hysteria. The free trade, deregulated, no-morals system has destroyed our life in the United States, with only the military industrial media machine still working its little game. Still, nuclear war with up to 6,000 bombs going off is not a happy prospect. With such destruction in war, what life would look like to the “victor” is a big unknown. God help us all. I still hope that the solutions presented in conferences online of the Schiller Institute for a new peace of Westphalia type of agreement to restore national sovereignty and progress are possible.
It’s simpler to assume the Yanks are as stupid as they seem and that their arrogance compounds it. Counter-evidence is sadly lacking.
Well, Dmitry, I think there are different kinds of stupidity. One kind is ignorance, it is bad enough. Second kind is the lack of intelligence, I think it even worse. But the worst, most dangerous, most destructive and self destructive kind is the stupidity of the heart, where the heart is blinded by some fear. This leads to inability to understand your own and other people’s emotions and motives.
Some modern psychologists would call this a lack of emotional intelligence. The famous French writer and pilot would say ‘One sees clearly only with the heart’. How easy to recognize the deep and simple truth of this famous Exupery’s sentence.
The people making policy decisions in the west have been in the grip of a powerful fear, xenophobia, in this particular case Russophobia, for a long time. Nowadays these guys are being selected and brought to office by the parallel structures having the banks and big business on top. One often calls them the deep sate.
These circles are insatiable for money and power. The reason is a fear – if they don’t take everything from everyone else, everything is going to be taken from them. That is what the greed is made of. So they feel they have to take away from everyone else the power over their lives, read the liberty, and resources. And Russia stands in their way.
Now, a friend has once told me another deep and simple truth. “What you fear most is going to happen to you”.
The life is like a mirror. If you fear, or hate, and that is the same, you are going to be hated, and you’ll bring onto yourself exactly that what you fear that much. In this case, the policymakers feared a resurrected Russia very much, and that exactly is what they brought upon themselves.
The positive emotions are mirrored back in the same manner, but that is obviously not the case here. Some call this karma, I suppose.
You point out the constant stupid mistakes of the US policy to Russia over the several last decades. I don’t feel this implies the presence of any Russian agents in the deep state, but the presence of the deep and constant hatred of Russia in these places.
The worst fears of the Russians and westerners are quite different. That is the reason they understand each other so poorly, because everyone assumes the others think just like they do, with the same motives. They are then confronted with quite unexpected actions. The Russians seem to fear most their own people turning their back on them. The westerners are xenophobic and have much fear from the poverty.
911 set off many things that did not have Russia in mind. Russia was less powerful.
The NATO expansion was “stupid”, thanks (“unwise” is how I put it). We listened to Stoltenberg talking about more expansion even during the recent Geneva meetings. It’s as real as real can be. Why not the free membership principle of Gym Clubs? “How can you compare a military alliance membership where Russia is the adversary with the free membership principle of Gym Clubs?” “What‘s wrong!” That free membership principle was “stupid” in Geneva. We don’t know why it was not challenged well. The initial reactions to the two proposals were very negative and these early reactions were key. It’s possible that at Geneva the Russians were already gearing themselves towards the SMO, or maybe uncertain as to what path was more convenient, and maybe kind of just not doing their best as a result.
Bush dismissed a treaty that allowed the Russians to develop hypersonic weapons, and he told the Russians that they were not an “enemy” and could develop whatever they wanted. It was plain “stupid” to underestimate the Russian (military) scientists. Trump wanted, probably still wants, to continue with the arms race. He doesn’t think about what happens if Russia starts spending only 5 times less than the United States, when the race goes like this with Russia spending more than 10 times less, because he thinks “we” are ahead in the arms race. That’s right. He blames Biden for not talking tough enough, for forgetting that we are ahead. Trump said “we” have hypersonic weapons already, the best ones (during the 2020 Campaign); I think he gave out that somebody told him so. He has not seen them yet, that’s all. You are right that it’s too “stupid.”
It sure looks like “Make Russia Great Again (MRGA).” “Appearances can be deceitful.” The ones who like to accuse others of being “Russian” are more Russian than the Russians. These false accusers can give Russia Crimea, Donbass, and counting! They also act as if wanting to give Taiwan to China. Something is missing with “stupid” as the explanation, you well indicate. Emptied ones, there’s a name to supplement “stupid” or even to replace it. The whole world can be given to Russia through the Emptied ones.
Trump spend almost all his political capital on TRYING to show the US elites that they are in for a surprise.
He KNEW the US was on a declining trajectory AND HE KNEW the only way to reverse the course was to shed the ballast. So he did two things:
– scream to the rooftops that the “King is Naked”!
– shed as much ballast as possible /within his means/
In between, he worked to move international relations from the “La-La-Land” phase into reality. There is a reason he “got along” with Kim or Putin on the strategic level. It really is simple. They all – including Trump – lived in the “real world” and that allowed them to communicate. Not agree. Communicate.
The “Biden” admin is a return of the Obama supremacist folks who are incapable of (two-way) communication. So the communication shifts to the physicals. Be it sabre-rattling by Kim, open economic warfare by Xi or “Military-technical measures” by Russia. When the words are not received, the “physicals” speak. This is so as as beings capable of non-contact communication exist.
I disagree with you on Trump. He has talents, but he is not a “president.” Biden is not one either. It’s a dilemma when you have to choose between Trump and Biden, or Clinton and Obama, or Romney and Obama. A system that can’t produce adequate leaders and presidents is a failed system, I think. We are talking of more than 20 years with poor choices offered to the electorate.
Trump could have signed a treaty with Kim in Vietnam. N. and S. Korea would have ended their hostile relations. He would have received a Nobel prize. N. Korea was ready to deal. The position Trump thought he was dealing with contractors. So, he told them you give all I demand, I give you nothing, and I will only start conceding things for you after you have given me all I demand. These are conditions that you impose when you win a war and the other side loses it. This was not something that applied to N. Korea, so it did not agree and this important deal was not closed because there was no chance for an agreement as a result of such a stance. Now N. Korea is testing long range (intercontinental) missiles.
On domestic policy, I will only cite the incredible tax cut he gave himself and the billionaires. The poorest people did not get a tax cut. He did not announce during the 2016 campaign that he would do that.
When he killed Soleimani – the Ayatollah then ordered the bombing of two bases with long-range missiles. Never has anyone done that to the United States. Trump said they were about to attack some embassies. He wanted another arms race with Russia, etc.
The first paragraph tells the whole story: Monkeys don’t build Swiss watches, therefore… “the only alternative would be to claim that there is a network of Kremlin’s agents”, but at the end “I urge you to follow Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous dictum.” Challenge set, and accepted. A network of Russian agents may not be the only alternative.
Consider, firstly, that the demise of the so-called unipolar world is factually to the advantage of America. The only problem is PR. For example, no American politician would survive if he proposed or said that the global reserve currency role for the dollar is bad for America, bad for industry, bad for trade, therefore bad for education, bad for technology, bad for science, bad for culture, etc. That is the PR problem. But the US needs a “sovereign” currency backed by real value. The US can survive and even flourish, but only after the fiat currency is defeated. Orchestrating the transformation of this need into reality cannot be accomplished by the US alone or from the inside by appealing to the rationality of the current elites. By initiating the steps needed to kill off King Dollar, Russia (and China), not its agents in the US, creates heretofore non-existent degrees of freedom for non-Washington US-elites to collapse the aura of power of the ruling elites, whereas it looks as if outside forces were defeating them. From the perspective of PR, that is as it should be: facts are being created, then it takes a bit of time to absorb or digest them, and then institutions have to deal with the new situation with new solutions, which are forced solutions because the old power to sustain the old system is gone, defeated.
As in Russia, and as in China, there is a resorting of “elites” in the US underway. The question of who wields real power is clear in Russia, now more than ever, and it is being clarified each day of progress of the SMO. As the US throws law and any normal business regulations to the winds, Xi’s power in China is secured. And in the US, if it is true – and it is true, of course – that monkeys do not build Swiss witches, then there is an apparatus or “agents” who leverage the political profile of the current elites such that “Let’s go Brandon” destroys not only his power, but theirs as well. In all three countries, authority and legitimacy flow to those who can say, each for his own country, “we have the means to defend ourselves; the adversary will give us the means to defeat him” (Sun Tzu).
And, actually, the Russians do not need agents in the US, because they accomplish all they need to accomplish with long-range cognitive warfare. I had an opportunity recently in private correspondence to recall the old article by Vladislav Surkov: “We are accused of interfering in an American election, but the situation is far worse. We are messing with their minds and they do not know what to do with their altered state of consciousness.” There is a direct line from that to the chain of unforeseen consequences leading to the demise of US-West-EU-NATO power.
Hi mr Orlov, dear Dimitri,
First of all, I hope you are doing well. I love your question to this audience. I have only scanned the replies you gotten so far to not let that interfere with my own concepts I I developed over the almost 3 decades.
One thing is for sure, that this is a way different explanation vs the 5th collum explanation. Btw, excuse my English since native speaking. Considering the time span I am commenting upon it requires me to cut many corners to make the point otherwise this would be at least a book.
To start, let us take a few huge steps back and view this situation in its historical context. For since times immortal peoples on the Eurasian continent have been in war with each other for domination. This changed around the year 1500 AD when South America was ”found” by the Portugese. They claimed it theirs and gotten away with it because of ages of war gave them superiority, military wise, over them people. I am not sure if the locals hated their regime or not but seems to be the case since they gotten their foothold (and more) very easy.
This provided Portugal with tons of gold and silver and considering that was money at the time it was a huge trophy and enabled them to get an empire. Of course this made many EUropean countries very jelous and they wanted it for themselfs. Over time, the laws of human nature gotten them corrupt and arrogant. On top of that, being the reserve currency to the then known world made their industry not competitive. Centuries later that became known as the Triffin Paradox.
Summarising a few centuries when the Spanish, French, Dutch, UK taking over that role and losing their both land and financial Empires it now rests in the hands of the Americans to undergo the same fate of them countries.
The west needs the resources of the world (hence the former Empires of Europe had all different countries with some overlap they conquered. Especially the natural resources of EUrope are exhaused. Especially in the energy space. America has some resources but defenately not enough to sustain the west. Same for Australia’s resources.
The value added stuff is in processing and manufacturing them natural resources. So now the west is in peril. Of course the off shoring of production to China (mostly) was also a huge thing. So for now….. no knowledge (ok limited) on how to really make stuff. Sure, figuring out on how to do it is a great strenght of the west.
So now the west is being faced with, we only have very limited resources, very little own industries and the reserve currency is blowing up as all did before. The dynamic of shifting things every 4-5 generations is slipping away. No one is either willing (in the east) or able (in the west) to take over reserve currency status.
This means that the west is losing its global rule. The points you make are very good points that are, I think, are well explained by desperate elites that are loosing their western based world order. Now the countries that have resources willl call the shots.
All the points you mentioned are desperate actions to delay, derail etc the new totally different world order. The end result is the same though mr Putin, Xi and many others and their teams made sure it will happen sooner then later. Multi polar word order does not give it credit (smile) enough. It means a total reshaping of the global economy or MAD.
In short, the West is acting because it has to do considering the ”dynamics of the system”. The system we now live in is not a product of very wise men designing it anymore for a long, long time. It is now totally oppertunistic. SInce all the stop gap measures of the past that worked then are now the system. It devouwers all that want to reform it since it is all oppertunstic. Want to try one of the 10 points you mentioned in your piece… Sure, almost zero chance is better then no chance at all.
The law of entrophy is merciless. In the human history we, as a spicies always managed to get to the other side once a centruries old system collapses. I am sure it will be the case now as well. The only question is how much suffering it will cause.
Hope this made sense since I have so many thoughts on this theme and so few lines and time.
10. Is the culmination of what I believe began as the result of plain old Western spook blunders in very-late 20th century Ukraine.
“I do not wish to argue that the existence of MRGA within the US Deep State is demonstrably, provably true.”
Quite possible, very probable even, that God’s hand is guiding the US Deep State where He will it to go — to MRGA.
Dude, I could not help cry and laugh with your unveiling of MRGA. You missed something though, Russia is underpopulated and AFAIK homosexuals don’t reproduce, since the LGBTQ are massively rejected in Mother, doesn’t that help solve the population problem?
Lol. This article is saying it to our faces, i.e. that the global hoary elite has built up the East and hollowed out the West. Same old Phoenician tricks. But the author will pretend it is satire ;)
East vs West is baloney and the not-so-very-subtle subtext of this article is further proof.
The WEF put out a video titled, “8 predictions for the world in 2030.” In that video prediction #2 is: “The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.”
In June of 2019 Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, and Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the WEF, signed an agreement to accelerate the implementation of agenda 2030. It seems that severly weakening the US, is an essential requirement to achieve the goals of agenda 2030.
The WEF is not some obscure organization. Its list of members consists of some of the largest corporations and the most influential politicians in the world. What the Covid “crisis” demonstrated is that the WEF has infiltrated the governments of many nations, including the US, and that these governments are not governing in the interest of their citizens. Every decision that the leaders of these governments have made is leading to the destruction of their economies and the loss of their nation’s sovereignty.
You may think that western leaders have lost their minds but I believe they know exactly what they’re doing. Their objectives are to destroy their nation’s sovereignty, culture and economy and reduce their populations, in order to bring about a digital economy controlled by a world central government. Whatever you may think of the Ukraine war, it is being used to accomplish these objectives.
Russia and China will be kept as the eternal enemies. You need enemies in order for the population to be willing to accept totalitarian governance. Is Putin in on it? I don’t know, but the hatred that was demonstrated by DImitry Medvedev towards those who refused to get vaccinated, makes me suspicious.
Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900)
Soloviev very boldly foresaw that there would be a European Union decades before and that it would be run by a foreigner from the USA? I recommend its complete reading because it is a book of plays and games.
Three Conversations and the Brief Account of the Antichrist
In the 21st century, the world has a small number of Christians, but they are truly believers. The leaders of the union of European states promote as president, and then as Roman Emperor, the “man of the future”: a remarkable thinker, ascetic, philanthropist and social reformer, who is also a vegetarian and protector of animals. He is a convinced spiritualist, but believes that Christ was only his predecessor; he believes that he is the ultimate savior, the one who is to come at the end of history. Inspired by the demon spirit, he performs his mission. As Emperor, he grants the world perpetual peace and universal satiety, and with the help of the magician Apollonius, all manner of illusionistic entertainment.
Written 122 years ago!
The magician Apollonius stands out as something novel or different for such ‘prophecies.’ He knew little, Oscar, almost nothing. In political science, religion, history, philosophy, I don’t think Russia has produced much and as much as Europe. It’s in “engineers” and “novelists” that they excelled, also in the arts.