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Guest Analyses

Ukraine is proud of its war crimes

by Batko Milacic for the Saker blog Ukraine and the United States were the only two countries in the world that did not vote in the UN for the Resolution on the fight against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, xenophobia and intolerance. In addition, Ukraine has included pro-Nazi military formations in the regular army, and all this lead to the creation of collective psychopathology. Therefore, the video of the execution

On Ukrainian ‘Refugees’

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction All nationalities have contemptuous or humorous words for their neighbours. Often these words come from the differences between them, especially as regards diet or dress. For example, the Americans call Germans ‘krauts’ (because they eat sauerkraut – pickled cabbage) and the British ‘limeys’ (from British sailors who ate limes), the French call the English ‘rosbifs’ (roast beefs) and the English call the French

Ending NATO and Correcting Stalin’s Mistake

By Batiushka for the Saker blog ‘To Hell with Washington’ Colonel Douglas Macgregor Introduction: The Atlantic and Europe Judging by its name, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was only ever about the USA and the UK, an agreement between Americans and the half-American Churchill. After all, what relevance does the ‘North Atlantic’ have to Baltic Germany or Mediterranean Italy, let alone to Aegean Greece and Black Sea Turkey? Even

Electric War

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Current Russian tactics are the absolute opposite of the military theory of concentrated force developed by Napoleon, Pepe Escobar writes. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind. But to what purpose Disturbing the dust on a bowl

Japan And Other Social Evils: The Horrors Of Going To School In A High-IQ Society

Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog Our colonial subjects in Japan have the highest average IQ anywhere in the world—105. Here is why they are dumb and invest in American proficiency tests… [Reader discretion advised: Stories from US-occupied Japan can cause you to go back to night school and ace the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. This is part 3 out of 4 of a series. For more Japan Horror, please

The OUN-Russia war (no longer an SMO): What do the parties want and what does the future hold?

By Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog During this current relative reduction of hostilities in Ukraine, the calm before the storm so to speak, it may be useful to reflect upon the goals of the various geopolitical players, whether stated overtly or intended covertly. This may enable us to make educated guesses as to how events may ultimately unfold. WHAT DOES RUSSIA WANT? The party whose openly stated goals

The Middle East and US global power: Fossil Fuel- Lifeblood of the American Empire

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog Summary Among all of the events shaping post-civil war US economic development, one of the most prominent was the establishment of Standard Oil by John D. Rockefeller in 1870. Working with other US industrialists, along with domestic and international financial and banking interests, including the Rothschild’s London banking cartel, Standard oil decedents have dominated the fossil fuel industry and shaped US economic and social

Awaiting Liberation: A Report from the Front and a Warning

By Batiushka for the Saker blog If you are expecting dramatic news and pictures from the Donbass, where Allied troops are slowly but inexorably advancing, destroying thousands of Nazis of all Western nationalities and dozens of their military vehicles and piles of their equipment every week, as they liberate towns and villages (all unreported by the Western media), sorry. This is a story from the home front. It is a

Goodbye G20, hello BRICS+

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission The increasingly irrelevant G20 Summit concluded with sure signs that BRICS+ will be the way forward for Global South cooperation. The redeeming quality of a tense G20 held in Bali – otherwise managed by laudable Indonesian graciousness – was to sharply define which way the geopolitical winds are blowing. That was encapsulated in the Summit’s two

Towards the Real New World Order

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction Thirty years ago George Bush Senior, the blood of untold numbers of dead Iraqi civilians and children on his conscience, was the first to popularise the term ‘the New World Order’. No doubt he got his inspiration from looking at the slogan on a dollar bill (after all, where else would a man like that get his inspiration from?). The phrase in Bush’s

The G20’s Balinese geopolitical dance

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times and the Saker blog, posted by permission Balinese culture, a perpetual exercise in sophisticated subtlety, makes no distinction between the secular and the supernatural – sekala and niskala. Sekala is what our senses may discern. As in the ritualized gestures of world leaders – real and minor – at a highly polarized G20. Niskala is what cannot be sensed directly and can only

Russia, India, China, Iran: the Quad that really matters

By Pepe Escobar cross-posted on PressTV and the Saker blog and posted with the author’s permission Southeast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, the Group of Twenty (G20) summit in Bali, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok. Eighteen nations accounting for roughly half

The Kherson question

Notes and reflections by Nora Hoppe for the Saker blog To retreat or not to retreat…   Preface: I have no idea about war… I have never experienced one. I understand nothing of military campaigns, strategies, manoeuvres, weapons, etc. I’ve only seen several war films, read novels featuring war and followed the news on various wars… * * * I have heard that each war is different, and that comparisons

G-20 Summit 2022 at Bali was termed a critical one.

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for the Saker blog Global Challenges • After the breakout of COVID-19, which has engulfed the whole world and even superpowers like the US became the worst victim, the awareness of the global health system got the highest priority. Today the biggest global challenge is health. There is a dire need to strengthen world health systems, it is expected to help improve global COVID-19

‘The Last Battle for the World’

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction When last week Allied troops quit the right (= western, or in this case northern (1)) bank of the Dnieper and so the regional city of Kherson (original population 283,000), confusion reigned among those with a short-term view of this conflict. Probably they had been listening to Western propaganda for too long. Probably they had forgotten that if Russia had difficulties holding right-bank

Rough Days Ahead, or why Zealots are Doomed

by F(unny)MAN for the Saker blog I have been so busy lately that I can keep writing sarcastic essays… I do need all my sarcasm to survive in the “environment” I am working on, doing extra hours nonstop, same as in any of the other two, or three mini-jobs I have. I am working seven days a week, 16 hours a day, in order to get as much money as

Rewiring Eurasia: Mr. Patrushev goes to Tehran

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission The meeting this week between two Eurasian security bosses is a further step toward dusting away the west’s oversized Asian footprint. Two guys are hanging out in a cozy room in Tehran with a tantalizing new map of the world in the background. Nothing to see here? On the contrary. These two Eurasian security giants are

Sun Tzu Walks Into a Kherson Bar…

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Deal or no deal, General Winter is coming to town – ready to entertain his guest of honor Sun Tzu with so many new dishes at their dinner table. The announcement of the Kherson Retreat may have signaled one of the gloomiest days of the Russian Federation since 1991. Leaving the right bank of the Dnieper to set up

Bamboo diplomacy: the China-SE Asia romance

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Beijing’s ties with countries now in ASEAN tend to bend the bamboo way: soft, clever, persistent and enduring The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is monopolizing the Asian and Global South spotlight for no fewer than 10 days, this week and the next, across a flurry of regional and international summits. First stop is Phnom Penh for the 25th

The collective West might be losing the war with Eurasia

by Francis Lee for the Saker blog ‘’You can’t always get what you want.’’ Courtesy of the Rolling Stones This aptly sums up the Eurozone/East-Asian/US relationship: In short US hegemony. Suffice it to say that – of all people, Leon Trotsky writing in, (War – In the International 1933) – opined … ‘’That prior to WW2 the US was Europe’s debtor but now Europe was relegated to the background. The
